One of the concerns you may have if you are considering personal bankruptcy is how you'll pay for your bankruptcy lawyer fees. That's understandable, because you're obviously struggling with your finances and don't want to add any more burdens than you already have. With this in mind, you might think about putting your attorney fees on your credit card, but there's something you need to be aware of.
One of the mistakes that people make when they're going to file Chapter 7 is to use their credit card or acquire some other debt just before filing their petition. You have to be careful because creditors can accuse you of fraud. In this case, fraud constitutes taking on a debt that you never intended to pay.
Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer, Bankruptcy Laws, Bankruptcy Attorney Las Vegas,
The federal bankruptcy court doesn't like the idea of people taking advantage of the system. The whole idea behind the recent bankruptcy reforms is that the process should not be for people who don't really need it. Whether the recent law is successful or just makes things more complicated for consumers is another story for another time.
The fact is that you have to be careful about proving your need for Chapter 7 as well as your innocence. If you use your card to pay your lawyer after declaring Chapter 7, a creditor can say that you never intended to pay off your card. It's one thing to seek a debt relief when you feel overwhelmed by your financial obligations, but it's quite another to take on such an obligation with no intention of paying for it.
So how should you pay for your legal costs? After all, you don't need any more financial burdens to worry about. Well, you may be able to work something out with your lawyer such as a payment plan. However, one of the important things you should remember is that a successful case will wipe out your debt anyway. If you don't have to worry about your previous debts, covering your attorney's fees should be much more feasible in the future.
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